Board Butter Application Guide

Congrats! And thank you for purchasing a cutting board or charcuterie board from Copper Lane Homestead! Now that you have your new beautifully handcrafted board it is important to appropriately care for it. Proper maintenance of your board will help preserve the vibrant colouring of each unique wood species, maintain a barrier to prevent absorption... Continue Reading →

Growing Garlic: Set and Forget!

You’ve just harvested the last of your crops. Your winter squashes, pumpkins, the last of your carrots etc. You begin to prep your gardens and close “shop” for the winter. Now just before your local frost sets in and you’re ready to put your feet up, there is one last crop you should consider planting. ... Continue Reading →

How YOU can grow alfalfa sprouts in a JAR!

Here is an easy way to enjoy fresh sprouts all year long no matter where you live, No backyard required! No one needs to be convinced that fresh tastes best, especially fresh and homemade or grown. Growing alfalfa sprouts may be one of the easiest and most accessible ways to provide this freshness all year... Continue Reading →

What’s in a name?

In August of 2019 we moved into our new home to finally pursue our dream of homesteading on a small farm. We had many goals, aspirations, and dreams that we had collected over the years in anticipation of this new lifestyle. We kept journals and did our best to do research while we patiently waited... Continue Reading →

What is homesteading? and why we advocate it!

What exactly is homesteading? It’s growing, preserving, and harvesting our own food. It’s using our skills and resources to build and create. Homesteading is gaining control over how you feed the lives in your family. In a nut shell, Homesteading is self sufficiency. Beyond that, it's about learning valuable skills, appreciating and utilizing what you... Continue Reading →

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